I am just amazed that we are only a few short days away from the first day of summer. Where has the time gone? For us at Silver Stone Landscaping it is wrapping up a brand new landscape for a newly built home in Middlebury. I cannot wait to share some final pictures with everyone.
With summer just around the corner, it is time to prepare for our summer clean-ups. We should be starting these in the next few weeks. For those of you who are not on our tri-annual clean-up program I suggest you take a look around and see how you are doing with your landscape. I hope it is wonderful and it is not getting away from you. For those of you who would rather spend time at the lake, pool, or in the air-conditioning I can understand that too! Our tri-annual program gives your landscaping a beautiful cleaning three times a year and provides you extra time for the other things in life.
If you are interested in hearing more about our program please do not hesitate to call our email us about. We would be happy to discuss this service with you!